Animal Appraisal Experience
Along with conducting appraisals and providing consulting & expert witness services for equines and livestock, we are known in the industry as the go-to appraiser for obscure and exotic animals. We have extensive experience appraising breeding/show dogs, breeding/show cats, animal actors for film & television, and game, exotic, and endangered animals (both land and marine) for various private zoos, aquariums, sanctuaries, and non-profit foundations throughout North America.
Although this is not a complete list, below is our experience appraising and providing consulting & expert witness services for the following animals. If you have an animal that we don't appraise, feel free to contact us as we can put you in touch with a reputable appraiser who can.
Animal Actors
We have experience appraising animal actors for both film & television with the largest majority being canines and equines.
Cattle (Bovines)
We have appraised some of the most well-known Holstein, Angus & Jersey cattle in North America. Our Senior Appraiser Tracy Dopko works for the Government of Alberta as a Dairy Production and Cow/Calf Production Tester for their Green Certificate Program and is also a U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) livestock appraiser for cattle. We have extensive experience appraising the following breeds: Ancient White Park, Angus, Belted Galloway, Brown Swiss, Charolais, English Longhorn, Galloway, Gurnsey, Hereford, Highland, Holstein, Jersey, Kerry, Limousin, Red Devon, Shorthorn, Simmental and Texas Longhorn. We also have extensive experience appraising multi-million dollar dairy and beef operations.
Companion Animals
We have experience appraising breeding/show dogs, breeding/show cats and other various companion animals such as exotic birds and parrots. Tracy is a member of The International Cat Association (TICA), past Chair of the TICA Kurilian Bobtail Committee, and has won multiple International and Regional awards showing a variety of cat breeds across North America, including the rare Kurilian Bobtail from the Russian Kuril Islands.
Endangered, Threatened & Vulnerable Animals
Tracy is a U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) livestock appraiser for endangered animals. We have experience appraising endangered, threatened, and vulnerable animals (both land and marine) for various private zoos, aquariums, sanctuaries, and non-profit foundations throughout North America. Our experience includes, but is not limited to, African & Asian Elephants, Beluga Whales, Bottlenose Dolphins, Penguins, Tigers, Sea Lions, Swift Foxes, and a variety of threatened and vulnerable horse breeds including the Akhal-Teke, Cleveland Bay, Dales, Dartmoor, Exmoor & Fell Ponies.
Game, Exotic & Zoo Animals
Tracy is a U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) livestock appraiser for bison, buffalo, beefalo, deer, elk, caribou, reindeer, emus, and zoo animals. We have experience appraising a wide variety of game, zoo and exotic animals.
Goats (Caprines)
Tracy is a U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) livestock appraiser for goats. We have experience appraising the following breeds: Angora, Boer, Fainting, La Mancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Nigora, Nubian, Pygmy and Kinder.
Horses (Equines)
We have traveled throughout the United States and Canada conducting equine appraisals and have also appraised some of the top jumper and dressage horses in Europe. We have been hired as an appraiser and consultant on many court cases and qualified as an equine expert in court proceedings in both Canada and the United States. We have appraised everything from the family trail horse to Olympic level horses. Tracy is a Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) steward, Senior judge and steward with Equestrian Canada and an R judge and steward with US Equestrian. She sits on various equine committees in both Canada and the U.S. and is also an instructor for the Univiersity of Guelph's Equine Studies Diploma and Equine Business Management Certificate programs.
Click here to learn about our experience appraising various equine breeds and disciplines.
Llamas & Alpacas
Tracy bred, trained and showed llamas for over 25 years. Her long history in the lama industry also included training and showing both llamas and alpacas for clients at some of the top lama shows in Western Canada and the United States, as well as show preparation and handling at the prestigious Parkland Breeder's Sweepstakes and sales. Tracy is also a U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) livestock appraiser for alpacas and llamas. We have extensive experience appraising Argentine, Bolivian, Chilean, Peruvian and Suri llamas as well as both Huacaya and Suri Alpacas.
Marine Animals
Tracy is a U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) livestock appraiser for marine animals. We have experience appraising a wide variety of marine animals including but not limited to Dolphins, Penguins, Sea Lions, and Seals.
Pigs (Porcines)
Tracy works for the Government of Alberta as a Swine Production Tester for their Green Certificate Program and is also a U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) livestock appraiser for swine. We have experience appraising the following breeds: Berkshire, Duroc, Gloucester, Hampshire, Landrace, Miniature, Spotted, Vietnamese Potbelly and Yorkshire. We also have extensive experience appraising multi-million dollar swine operations.
Poultry, Gamebirds, Exotic Chickens & Waterfowl
Tracy is a member of the American Poultry Association, North American Gamebird Association, and a U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) livestock appraiser for chickens, turkeys, waterfowl and gamebirds. We have experience appraising laying hens, broiler, Brahma, Cochin, Leghorn, Plymouth Rock, Polish, Rhode Island Red, Silkie, Sussex, and Wyandoote chickens. We also have experience appraising Pheasants, Partridges, and Turkeys as well as everything from Peacocks to rare ducks & Swans. We also have extensive experience appraising large scale poultry and pheasant operations. In 2023, our American clients were awarded over $36 million in USDA indemnity appeals. Tracy was recently asked to speak at the North American Gamebird Association annual convention in Orlando, Florida on USDA indemnity appeals.
Sheep (Ovines)
Tracy works for the Government of Alberta as a Sheep Production Tester for their Green Certificate Program and is also a U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) livestock appraiser for sheep. We have experience appraising the following breeds: Dorper, Dorset, Gotland, Hampshire, Jacob, Leicester, Lincoln, Merino, Oxford, Shetland and Suffolk. We also have extensive experience appraising large scale sheep operations.
Working Canines
We have experience appraising the following types of working canines; police, drug detection, cadaver detection, guard, water rescue, herding, search & rescue, service & assistance, therapy, sled, and animal actors for film & television.